Q and A for considering the correct ARS for your application
Is there a low-range accuracy difference between ARS PRO-8k and 18k?
- The ARS PRO-8K is suited for any application where maximum angular rate is not expected to exceed 8k degrees/second.
- When integrating the data to calculate angle, the two ARS models will perform similarly. There isn't a significant accuracy benefit to the 8k versus the 18k range.
- The primary difference between the two ARS ranges is the baseline noise level. When software filtered, this noise is typically reduced to insignificant levels.
- A comparison of ARS PRO noise levels by type and range is available here: ARS Quick Reference Chart.pdf
How do I choose the ARS frequency response option?
- The ARS PRO-8k and 18k have frequency response options that must be considered. When the measurements are in a location (such as inside a test dummy), the required response may be specified in SAE J211 or ISO 6487.
- Choose a bandwidth that is equal to or greater than the SAE J211/ISO 6487 requirement.
- SAE J211 does not specify a particular bandwidth. The internal filter of the DTS ARS selected must be at or ABOVE the CFC 1000 corridor. The post-process software filter of CFC 1000 (or 1650Hz at -3db) will ensure the response fits the corridor.
How do I choose the best range?
- Always choose sensors that best fit the measurement application. If you know your measurements will never exceed a certain level, choose a sensor approximately 2x the maximum value expected as a safety margin wherever possible. For example, if you expect your application to produce maximum angular rates of 6-8k degrees/second, choose the ARS-18k to ensure data are never clipped.
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