The first item to address is optimizing the wireless access point for good reception when the test article is in both the pre-test and post-test positions.
If wireless communication has degraded then ask "what has changed in relation to the wireless environment"? Have you set up another WiFi network that may be interfering with the DTS WiFi and reducing the signal integrity?
One easy option to try is to increase the tolerance of TDAS Control to the WiFi latency caused by a poor signal. Look into the windows registry, search for DTS and find these two attributes:
- PingAttempts (default or typical setting is 7)
- PingWait (default or typical setting is 400)
You may increase the attempts and/or the wait time and see if that helps, but ensure you have a good line of sight from the access point to the impact point and that the access point channels you are using are not causing interference with other 2.4 GHz signals.
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